Computer Graphics Laboratory

Welcome to the Computer Graphics Laboratory (CGL) at the Pillar of Information Systems Technology and Design (ISTD), Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), directed by Prof. Peng Song.

In CGL, we do research in geometric modeling, computational design, and computational fabrication. We are particularly interested in developing computational methods, algorithms, and tools for modeling and designing fabricable and functional real-world objects as well as optimizing their performance. The research developed in CGL has been applied to a wide variety of applications, including personal recreation, architecture, mechanism, and robotics. Take a look at our Research, Publications, and Youtube Channel to learn more.

Research Highlight

New paper accepted to Eurographics 2024:
Hierarchical Co-generation of Parcels and Streets in Urban Modeling.


Research Highlight

New paper published at SIGGRAPH 2023:
Masonry Shell Structures with Discrete Equivalence Classes.


Research Highlight

New paper published at SIGGRAPH Asia 2022:
Exact 3D Path Generation via 3D Cam-Linkage Mechanisms.


Open Positions

SUTD CGL is currently looking for PhD/visiting students and researchers. Follow the link below to see how you can join us!

Open Positions  


  •     Now         We have one fully funded PhD position (Jan/Sep 2025 intake). As a PhD student with us, you will focus on doing high-quality research in Geometric Modeling, Computational Design, and/or Extended Reality. Email Peng Song if you are interested.

  • 2024/07/22   Welcome!   Yixuan He joins our group as a PhD student.
  • 2024/06/24   Rulin Chen passed his PhD oral defence. Congratulations!
  • 2024/05/27   Welcome!   Haonan Zhang joins our group as a visiting student.
  • 2024/04/03   Peng Song serves on the program committee of Pacific Graphics 2024
  • 2024/02/28   Peng Song serves as an Associate Editor of Computers & Graphics
  • 2024/02/23   Peng Song visits Singapore Institute of Technology and gives a research talk
  • 2024/02/19   Peng Song serves as an Associate Editor of Graphical Models
  • 2024/01/30   Peng Song serves on the program committee of SGP 2024
  • 2024/01/10   Peng Song serves on the program committee of SPM 2024
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